23 June 2017| Joint Health


I am writing this as a testimony of Muffin and Regal products, as I spoke about my story to you at WODAC on 16 July 2016.

Seven years ago I was given Muffin, my little princess. I loved this little, fat dachshund from the moment I set eyes on her. She was never really thin, she blossomed into a beautiful dachshund, she slept in my bed and never had one night away from me. Weekends we went for walks together, we have a special bond.

Then one evening I picked her up and she yelped so I put her down immediately and she could not walk, she dragged her two back legs. I immediately knew she was paralysed having heard other stories about this. So I rushed her to the vet and he said to bring her back the following morning for an emergency operation, which was costly, or put her down. The next morning I was there and I left Muffin with the vet, my heart broke at having to leave her. The operation was done the same day and I was told she would only show progress in a few days. I was also told not to visit. I waited over a week and went to see her, she still could not walk, so every day I would call and hope and every day I was given the same news. Muffin could not walk.


After a few weeks I fetched Muffin from the vet and took her home, still paralysed. Again I was given the option to put her down. She had rubbed her nose on the cage in this time and her little nose was raw. But Muffin was glad to be home, she also now had a bladder infection. I carried her wherever she wanted to go even though she would drag herself as well. Her hair on her back legs also started to come off from the dragging so I bought her socks.

Then my boss told me about the wheels for dogs who could not walk and he phoned around and before I knew it, a vet in the north made Muffin wheels. Someone suggested physio might help Muffin so I called and someone came out to view Muffin. They recommended physio, but at R400 per hour I could not afford this. Muffin hated her wheels and soon found a way to get out of them. She preferred to drag herself around, but whenever we were outside I made her use the wheels.


My mom used to rub Muffin’s legs every day just to help her, then one day she saw an advert in a weekly magazine about a little dog that could not walk and had used Regal and was now walking. I was doubtful but decided I had nothing to lose, so I bought the Regal Joint Health for after an operation for her. We gave it to her twice a day, and then one morning about a month later, I noticed Muffin started to wag her tail which she could not normally do. Then I noticed a slight movement in one leg, and then slowly the other leg. So I watched carefully every morning when I took her out. Then one day Muffin stood up and I screamed for my mom to come and see, and from that day on Muffin got stronger and stronger. Today she wobbles about and is not 100% steady but some days are better than others. But she can walk and is free of her wheels. All thanks to prayer and Regal Joint Health.


I love Muffin so much. Muffin has a father of 12-years-old and he also uses Regal.

PS: 26 July 2016

It is with great sadness that I must end this testimony with the following news: Muffin had heart failure on Sunday morning and passed away at 12pm at the Hennie Alberts Vet in Brackendowns. I am devastated.


I did take a photo of her on the day I returned from WODAC with her Regal products that you gave her and her samples that I collected for her and Voetjies. There is also one of her with Voetjies. I have attached some photos for you, and I thank you so much for wanting her to be a Regal Hero, which she is in my eyes. Voetjies will now enjoy the products.”

Regal Joint Health Remedy

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