29 February 2018 | Allergy Relief


We breed Black Russian Terriers, and Nika (#3) is die proud mother of two litters. Nika has struggled with allergies most of her life. But in spring it is particularly bad in our area (Helderberg). Running nose, infected eyes, snorting and itchy skin. We tried antihistamines, with no success, the vet gave us cortisone that help while we were using it. But the vet was not positive about cortisone on the long run. Then we started to experiment with various products and found the Regal skin and allergy remedies in our local supermarket. We checked the ingredients with a local Phytotherpist who agreed that it would be safe and beneficial to our dog. We tried the Skin Care Remedy, that help with the itching. Then we tried Allergy Relief remedy, within two weeks she was 90% better. I also gave her some Omega 3. Our Nika weights 40 KG, so we had to give her 20ml x 2 times a day of the Allergy Relief Remedy. She is back to her old self.


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